Friday, July 3

Remember that one time...

So far, South Africa has been a really interesting journey. "Part 1"of my Cape Town trip is coming to a close because I have to return my rental car this weekend, and then buckle down to focus on an actual graduate course that I'm taking while over here. Although I will have one more weekend of adventures that I will definitely blog about, I would like to take some time to commemorate some of the highlights of this first phase of my trip.

My top 10 from my first 2.5 weeks:

1. Forgetting what 40-60 degree Farenheit weather is really like because everything is in Celsius.
2. Attempting to take public transport by using a mini-taxi at a [somewhat known for drugs] station, walking around my stop in circles to find a metered-taxi, and then getting lost in the metered-taxi only to walk the rest of the way home. (It took me 2 hours total on what could have been a 30 minute trip)
3. Trying to learn how to drive a manual car and then having to return to the rental company [where they laughed at me] because I needed to switch to an automatic.
4. Raising my voice at an Irish pub because someone cancelled my Michael Jackson song on the jukebox; if it wasn't for MJ...
5. Getting lost while driving home, three times.
6. Hitting a pothole dead on, only to lose a hubcap.
7. Letting your friends put all kinds of flavored powder on your popcorn at the movies (I think it was sour cream + salt + cheese + some other yellow stuff + more yellow stuff + powder butter), and actually eating it because it was so disgusting that it was addictive.
8. Flooding the laundry room with about 2 inches of water when I tried to do my own laundry here, and then having my landlord find me mopping the mess out..only to call me Hurricane Olivia.
9. Trying to reverse and u-turn on a small street at night using only my rear-view mirror, so I hit a lamp post and broke a tail-light.
10. Not being able to eat for 2.5 days because my stomach decided to go on a vacation...or more like its own retreat, to the ladies' room.

Cape Town, you've been an unforgettable experience so far.

(PS - thanks for the photo MK)

1 comment:

  1. you treasure not just the hopes and dreams of others for it becomes yours too; the indelible mark that stays to live in your heart together with the priceless moments learned shall make your life's journey more meaningful. stay well. luv
